Short-Term Reha­bil­i­ta­tion

Our in-patient reha­bil­i­ta­tion pro­gram helps patients move for­ward when an ill­ness, injury or surgery has set them back. Mod­ern and com­pre­hen­sive short-term reha­bil­i­ta­tion ser­vices, includ­ing phys­i­cal, occu­pa­tion­al and speech ther­a­pies, assist in the recov­ery from a wide range of events to help patients regain their opti­mal lev­el of per­for­mance and return home. 

We Offer the Oppor­tu­ni­ty to Pre-Reg­is­ter, Mak­ing the Tran­si­tion from the Hos­pi­tal to Rehab Seamless

A Well-Planned, Per­son­al­ized Rehab Pro­gram Should:

Have a Ques­tion About Short-Term Rehabilitation? 

Call (239)-9322946 or click here.