When There’s a Change in the Weath­er, We’re Ready.

Posted Feb 27, 2023

On Sep­tem­ber 28, 2022, when Hur­ri­cane Ian – one of the most destruc­tive storms in US his­to­ry – made land­fall in South­west Flori­da with 150 mph winds and a 15-foot storm surge, The Arling­ton was pre­pared. Through that ter­ri­ble after­noon and into the next day, res­i­dents and team mem­bers were able to shel­ter safe­ly and com­fort­ably in place, as did many first respon­ders from the near­by Col­lier Coun­ty Emer­gency Man­age­ment facil­i­ty. Not even a win­dow was broken.

We were cer­tain­ly for­tu­nate. But it wasn’t a mat­ter of luck.

When we opened in 2015 on 39 acres in Naples’ Lely Resort, The Arling­ton was one of the first retire­ment com­mu­ni­ties designed to meet strin­gent hur­ri­cane-resis­tance stan­dards – with steel-and-mor­tar con­struc­tion, wind-resis­tant roofs, back­up pow­er gen­er­a­tion and impact-resis­tant win­dows and doors rat­ed to with­stand 150 mph winds. The robust design was soon put to the test in 2017, when Irma, a Cat­e­go­ry 4 hur­ri­cane, bar­reled into Naples. The Arling­ton suf­fered no damage.

That made an impres­sion on David Dosa, an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor at Brown Uni­ver­si­ty who stud­ied the health out­comes for seniors dur­ing major weath­er events. Inter­viewed for a 2018 New York­er mag­a­zine arti­cle on the dan­gers of evac­u­at­ing old­er adults dur­ing storms, Dr. Dosa iden­ti­fied one com­mu­ni­ty built to shel­ter res­i­dents safe­ly in place: a high-end senior [com­mu­ni­ty] in Naples, Flori­da, not far from the Gulf of Mex­i­co, called The Arling­ton.”

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